The Personal Branding Podcast With Anna Vatuone

The Paradox Of Life, Love, And The Decision To Freeze Her Eggs With Victoria P. Mitchell

Anna Vatuone

Victoria Mitchell, COO of Good Party, openly talked about her decision to freeze her eggs, and the complications that came with it, on social media. Her latest series, "My Egg Freezing Journey" has reached millions of people on Instagram and TikTok.

I was curious:

What led her to share this story? And how was able to transform a deeply personal journey into a viral sensation?

After pouring countless hours into the project with little to no reward, she almost gave up. But the fifth video, which she admittedly 'phoned in', was the turning point. After that, the series blew up.

Victoria's story shows us that sometimes, our most compelling stories are the ones that emerge from our most authentic experiences, no matter how complex or paradoxical they may seem.

The hardest part? Being brave enough to share them.

Victoria P. Mitchell is a Chief Operating Officer and content creator who’s on a mission to reveal the paradoxes behind our ability to make a deep, lasting impact.  You can find her sharing her journey @victoriapmitchell with her 10k+ followers on Instagram and TikTok. She shares even more insights with her email list – learn more at